My Translations

Translating things is a good way to get at the heart of why they’re good, or why they may not be so great after all. It’s also, from the perspective of one learning languages, an excellent way of improving one’s vocabulary. Here are a few of my own translations. I cannot vouch for their quality.

From the Russian:

Crossing the Zbruch by Isaac Babel

I Just Couldn’t Help Myself by Leo Tolstoy

A Righteous Man by Nikolai Leskov

Misery by Anton Chekhov

Evgeniy Baratinsky – Four Poems

Evgeniy Baratinsky – “My talent’s poor, my voice has little weight…”

Dmitry Ogarev – The Wanderer (poem)

From the German:

Before the Law by Franz Kafka

Theodor Storm – Poems

A few of Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Poems

Georg Trakl – Poems